
FirmWire uses workspaces tied to the specific firmware file under analysis. These workspaces contain a variety of useful files, most notably logs emitted by the avatar2-orchestration, the configurable machine definition, and a qcow2-image used for FirmWire's snapshotting mechanism, as well as vendor-specific files and directories.

By default, FirmWire creates a workspace at the very same directory where the modem file is located at, but this behavior can be overriden via the -w/--workspace command line flag.


One of FirmWire's convenience features is snapshotting, which is implemented on top of QEMU. Besides storing the emulation machine state in QEMU's qcow2 image format, FirmWire also saves the state of used python peripherals in auxiliary .snapinfo files.

To take a snapshot use the --snapshot-at commandline argument or call the snapshot() method during interactive exploration. Presume you want to take a snapshot with the name my_first_snapshot at address 0x464d5752. For taking the snapshot from commandline, simply run ./ --snapshot-at 0x464d5752,my_first_snapshot modem_file. When using interactive exploration, you will have directly access to the python machine object via self. Make sure to stop execution at the desired address (for instance by setting a breakpoint), and then execute: self.snapshot("my_first_snapshot"). Alternatively, if you don't want to manually steer execution, you can also use self.snapshot_state_at_address(0x464d5752, "my_first_snapshot").

For starting execution from this snapshot during the next start of FirmWire, all you will need to is ./ --restore-snapshot my_first_snapshot modem_file. If you use interactive exploration, you can even restore snapshots on-the-fly, without the need to restart the emulator! In this case, you would need to execute self.restore_snapshot("my_first_snapshot")