Command Line Interface Reference

This part of our documentation works as quick-reference to all the and CLI arguments, and provides links about where they are covered. For more information about the single command line flags, you can also run FirmWire with the --help flag. arguments

ArgumentCovered inDescription
modem_fileGetting StartedThe modem file FirmWire shall create an emulation environment for. Only mandatory argument(!)
--consecutive-ports CONSECUTIVE_PORTSGetting StartedChoose consecutive ports for the any listening sockets (e.g. QEMU's GDB & QMP), starting with the port provided.
-h/--helpCLI referenceShow help for for different cli flags on commandline
-w/--workspace WORKSPACEWorkspacesPath to the workspace to use
--snapshot-at SNAPSHOT_ATWorkspacesAddress and name for taking a snapshot. (Syntax: address,name)
--restore-snapshot SNAPSHOT_NAMEWorkspacesName of snapshot to be restored
-t/--module INJECTED_TASKModkitModule / Task to be injected to the baseband modem
-S/--stopInteractive explorationStop CPU after initializing the Machine. Useful for interactive exploration.
-s/--gdb-serverInteractive explorationStart GDB server on TCP port. Default is 1234. NOTE: this is a minimal GDB stub.
--consoleInteractive explorationSpawn an ipython remote kernel that can be connected to from another terminal using jupyter console --existing
--fuzz FUZZFuzzingInject and invoke the passed AFL fuzz task module (headless).
--fuzz-input FUZZ_INPUTFuzzingPath the AFL test case (@@ should be sufficient) or just the path to a single test file.
--fuzz-triage FUZZ_TRIAGEFuzzingInvoke the fuzzer, but without an AFL front end. Enables debug hooks and saves code coverage.
--fuzz-persistent FUZZ_PERSISTENTFuzzingEnable persistent fuzzing with a loop count as the argument.
--fuzz-crashlog-dir FUZZ_CRASHLOG_DIRFuzzingFolder to which logs of all testcases (length testcase) for a crashing run in persistent mode
--fuzz-crashlog-replay FUZZ_CRASHLOG_REPLAYFuzzingReplay a persistent-mode crash trace written with fuzz-crashcase-dir.
--fuzz-state-addr-file FUZZ_STATE_ADDR_FILEFuzzingTextfile containing the hex-addresses of state-variables
--full-coverageFuzzingEnable full coverage collection (logs every executed basic block)
--shannon-loader-nv_data NV_DATATBD(Shannon only) Specify the NV_DATA to be used
--mtk-loader-nv_data NV_DATATBD(MediaTek only) Specify the NV_DATA to be used

Developer options

Note: These arguments are mostly useful for development and debugging. As of now, they are part of, but will be moved to a custom interface to clearly distinguish developer and user features in a future iteration of FirmWire.

ArgumentCovered inDescription
--debugTBDEnable FirmWire debugging
--debug-peripheralTBDEnable debugging for specified peripheralas
--avatar-debugTBDEnable debug logging for Avatar2
--avatar-debug-memoryTBDEnable Avatar2 remote memory debugging (useful when Peripherals crash)
--unassigned-access-logTBDPrint log messages when memory accesses to undefined memory occur
--raw-asm-loggingTBDPrint assembly basic blocks as QEMU executes them. Useful for determining infinite loops.
--trace-bb-translationTBDPrint the address of each new Basic Block, useful to eval BBs reached during fuzzing.