Interactive Exploration

FirmWire has multiple ways to facilitate interactive exploration of the emulated baseband firmware. The reason for such exploration are various, ranging from aiding static reverse engineering over observing the baseband's behavior when receiving custom messages to root-cause analysis for crashing inputs.


The most classic way to interact with the emulated baseband is via GDB. Simply start FirmWire with the -s/--gdb-server flag while specifying a port number to start a gdb server! Then, you can start up your local gdb build (we recommend gdb-multiarch for Ubuntu 20.04) and connect to the emulated baseband by executing from within gdb:

target remote :PORT

Alternatively, when using gdb together with gef, we suggest to run the following for better usability instead:

gef-remote --qemu-mode

Once connected, you should be able to set breakpoints, inspect and modify memory, as well as steering execution just as usual. Under the hood, FirmWire spawns a gdb server provided by the corresponding avatar2 plugin. This allows to transparently access both the memory provided by avatar-backed memory ranges (as in the case of python peripherals), and emulated memory provided by PANDA.

NOTE: For ARM targets (Shannon), due to mixed ARM / Thumb2, you may need to set breakpoints at your target addresses +/- 1 byte. This is a limitation of QEMU's ARM gdbstub, causing breakpoints to be missed depending on the code's ISA mode.

What's more, via gdb's monitor command you have directly access to the Python context of avatar2 gdb server, and allows you to execute simple Python statements. You even can access the global avatar object from gdb by executing:

monitor self.avatar

However, if you are really eager to control FirmWire's, and the emulated baseband's, execution state from Python, we recommend using IPython as described below.


FirmWire offers a second convenient way for controlling execution: a IPython/jupyter console interface. To invoke it, run FirmWire with the --console flag:

$ python3 modem.bin --console

Then, after initial FirmWire startup, you can connect to the console from the second terminal:

$ jupyter-console --existing

In here, you have full access to FirmWire's API, and your main interface to interact with the emulated baseband is its machine abstraction, which is directly accessible via self.

While explaining the full API and available functions would be to extensive for this guide, below are the most important objects and methods provided by firmwire's machine object.

self.avatarThe avatar object, providing information about memory ranges and python peripherals
self.loaderThe vendor specific loader, providing information about the loaded firmware image.
self.loader.symbol_tableThe symbols extracted by the loader, using patternDB and auxiliary information.
self.modkitHandle to FirmWire's modkit
self.pandaHandle to libpanda, the PANDA library with python bindings
self.qemuDirect handle to avatar's PyPanda target, the avatar wrapper around libpanda. Follows avatar2's target API.

To steer execution and inspecting memory, the self.qemu object will most likely be your bread and butter. It provides functions such as cont(), stop(), set_breakpoint(), read_memory() or write_memory() - more information can be found over in handbook for avatar2.

Besides these objects and capabilities provided by the PANDA and avatar2 frameworks, the FirmWire also provide a couple of additional methods to make exploration easier:

self.get_tasks()Retrieves the RTOS tasks automatically identified by FirmWire in its abstract Python representation.
self.get_peripheral(name)Retrieve a handle to the Python peripheral with specified name.
self.restore_snapshot(snapshot_name)Restores Snapshot with given name.
self.run_for(t)If the machine is stopped, continue execution for t seconds.
self.snapshot(snapshot_name)Create snapshot of current execution state with given name.
self.set_breakpoint(address, handler)Set a breakpoint at specified address and execute the code provided in handler when hit.

For Shannon basebands, the interactive capabilities are further extended by the special GuestLink peripheral.

The GuestLink is a combination of custom task injected into the baseband and python peripheral, allowing for interaction with the emulated baseband. To make use of it, start FirmWire both with activated console and injected glink task:

./ -t glink --console ./modem.bin

Now, after connecting to the console as described above, you can get a handle to the glink peripheral:

In [1]: gl = self.get_peripheral('glink')

This GLink peripheral can be controlled from Python and uses a MMIO range to communicated with the GLink task. More specifically, the MMIO range is organized as follows:

struct glink_peripheral {
  uint32_t access;
  uint32_t tx_head;
  uint32_t tx_tail;
  uint32_t rx_head;
  uint32_t rx_tail;
  uint8_t tx_fifo[TX_FIFO_SIZE];
  uint8_t rx_fifo[RX_FIFO_SIZE];
} ;

The access field is used to communicate return values from the GLink task back to the Python peripheral, while the rest are data structures for input and output FIFO buffers. These buffers use a simple packet-based data format for communication:

struct glink_cmd_header {
  uint8_t cmd;
  uint8_t len;
  // next field is variable amount of octets

Currently, GuestLinks implementation only allows for commands from Python to the emulated baseband. The available commands are:

GLINK_SEND_QUEUE_INDIRgl.send_queue(True, src_qid_name, dst_qid_name, msg_group, payload)Sends specified message to baseband internal queue. Payload is provided as allocated memory chunk, to be free'd by the baseband.
GLINK_SEND_QUEUEgl.send_queue(False, src_qid_name, dst_qid_name, msg_group, payload)Sends specified message to baseband internal queue. Payload is inlined with the msg_struct.
GLINK_SET_EVENTgl.set_event(event)Sets the baseband internal event. event can either be int (event number) or bytes (event name).
GLINK_ALLOC_BLOCKgl.create_block(size)Allocate a chunk of memory of given size. The address of the chunk can later be retrieved via gl.access.
GLINK_CALL_FUNCgl.call_function(fn, args)Call function fn with args specified in args. fn must be of type int, and args a list of ints. The return code of the function can later be retrieved from gl.access.

Interactive exploration: Tips & Tricks

Stopping execution on startup

FirmWire supports to stop after initialization. This means, you can interactively step through the full boot process, or control execution in a fine-grained manner after restoring a snapshot. All you need to do is to supply the -S/--stop flag to FirmWire on the command line.

When using GuestLink, keep in mind that GLink acts fully asynchronously, i.e., when calling a function from Python, the according command is only written to the shared MMIO region. The GLink task in the baseband then has to parse and process the command before the result is available.

For better understanding, we provide a typical guestlink usage example below, allocating a block of size 0x100, and storing the result into chunk_addr:

In [1]: self.qemu.stop()
In [2]: gl = self.get_peripheral('glink')
In [3]: gl.create_block(0x100)
In [4]: self.run_for(0.5)
In [5]: chunk_addr = gl.access
In [6]: hex(chunk_addr)
Out[6]: '0x44f0293c'

When using GLink in combination with snapshots, it is important to note that a reference to the guest link peripheral does not propagate across snapshots. That means, after restoring a snapshot, a new reference to the GLink peripheral has to be required via get_peripheral, as shown below:

In [1]: gl = self.get_peripheral('glink')
In [2]: gl
Out[2]: <firmwire.hw.glink.GLinkPeripheral at 0x7f720c4f59d0>
In [3]: self.restore_snapshot("glink_demo")
In [3]: gl = self.get_peripheral('glink')
In [4]: gl 
Out[4]: <firmwire.hw.glink.GLinkPeripheral at 0x7f7219792850>`